"Thoughts become Words, word become Actions, actions become Habits, habits become your Character, your character becomes your Destiny!" Frank Outlaw
I was feeling pretty cruddy today and as I was driving to work this morning I realized that all I was thinking about was how cruddy I felt. So I said to myself, "Bobi Joy Cook (that's a mom trick, using someone's whole name when they really mess up) what on Earth are you doing - you know that your thoughts are powerful and they affect your reality! STOP IT!" So I re-focused my thoughts on all the things I am thankful for. While I still had moments throughout the day where I felt pretty cruddy, it wasn't the main thing on my mind.
I noticed today that many of the people I interacted with seemed to be bogged down in thinking - "I can't, I don't know how, It won't work for me, That's too hard . . ." So I wanted to focus today's blog on shaping your future by focusing your thoughts.
We all have those times when we get down, our thought are negative, things don't feel like they will ever look up and get better. At these times it is important that you have "happiness tricks" to get you re-focused and back on the "I think I can" track ;)
Some of my personal "happiness tricks":
Singing (off key of course)
Smiling at myself in the mirror until it become real or makes me laugh
Listing things I am thankful for
Creating a Vision Board with pictures of how I want my life to be / what I want it to include
Deep breathing
And I have a mantra that I say to myself:
I am strong, I am powerful, I am whole, I am perfect, I am healthy, I am happy, I am loving and giving, and I have abundance. I am so thankful for all that I have and all that I am!
Hope these tips can help you focus on the possibilities!
As Henry Ford said, "Whether you think you can, or think you can't, you are right!"
You just put a smile on my face.