Ensure your resume looks, feels, and sounds
like YOU on paper
Make sure your resume is PLEASING to the
1”margins on all 4 sides
Choose one font for entire document
(including header and footer)
12 point font for Body
14 – 16 point font for NAME
Line spacing 1.15
Turn your contact information into a header
so that it appears on every page
Customize your resume for each specific job
Focus on the employer’s needs and how you
meet them
Create a professional e-mail address using
your name
Highlight the position title you are
applying for below your name
Give just enough information to grab the
employer’s attention and make them feel like they have to meet you face-to-face
to get the rest of the story
Triple Check for accuracy
Start with a Summary paragraph explaining
why you are the right person for the job
Include Key Skills in the top 1/3 of your
Create between 3 and 6 bullets to describe
each position in your work history
Start each bullet with a VERB to show you
are action oriented
Keep all bullets in the same tense
Customize bullets to highlight skills
employers are seeking
Make your font or margins too small
SQUEEZE your resume onto a page
Use a generic resume
Have an unprofessional e-mail address
Include References or state that they are
“Available upon Request”
Get someone else to write your resume or
use a canned program to create your resume
Use an Objective statement
Give too much information
Over bulletize
Make references to politics, religion,
race, gender, etc.
Include outdated or irrelevant skills
Have ERRORS – typo, spelling, grammar
Include your address if you live too far
Use 1st person – I, me, my, mine
Apply for jobs you aren’t qualified for
Use paragraphs
Use “Entry-level”
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