Thursday, April 12, 2012

Customer Service

"The customer is always right!"

Today I attended a training session on providing excellent customer service.  The instructor asked us how many of us believed the saying that the customer is always right - not one of us raised our hands.  But then the instructor went on to explain that this saying wasn't so much a literal saying as a philosophy / an attitude.  Even though the customer might not actually be correct, they should always be treated with respect.  Another point that he drove home was that this philosophy needs to be applied not only to our ultimate or end customer, but also to our internal / intermediate customers.

Now this training session was about dealing with customers, but of course, it started my wheels spinning . . . and it led me to think about how these same principals can apply to our everyday personal lives.  What if we treated every person in our lives, each person we encounter on a daily basis, as if they were our customer - smile, greet them warmly, ask if there is anything you can do for them, and maintain the philosophy that regardless of how they act / treat you they should be treated with respect?  Can you imagine what kind of world that would make?

I'm sure it won't be easy, but this a philosophy that I am going to attempt to put in to play in my world!

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